Sheena Loves Sunsets

5 Must-Have Baby Travel Gear

As parents who travel with babies know, you don’t just get up and leave; that would be ridiculous! Of course, you need to bring the whole house with you! 😀 Just kidding.

But seriously though, you definitely need great baby gear when you’re traveling. After 2 kids and countless of roadtrips and out of towns later, here are my top 5 must-haves.

This is a list of our favorite baby travel gear; the ones that we always use and highly recommend!

1. Foldable Hip Seat Baby Carrier

I love babywearing so I use a carrier almost all the time (not exaggerating) when we travel with our baby during the first year. I find that having the baby strapped on me allows for easier movement. We can go up steps and pass through narrow spaces easily.

2. Travel Stroller

When baby starts to get heavier, it’s best to use a stroller. We started overusing our stroller ironically when my first born turned 4 already. That’s because we take him out on longer trips and outings now and it’s not easy for his little feet to catch up. Hehe.

The Looping has various additional attachments that you can get as well. We have the Looping Console (perfect for easy access of our wipes and water containers) and the Squizz Stroller Board (if you have more than one child!)

3. Carseat

Carseats are a must when going on road trips (actually, not just for road trips but for each car ride!) It’s important to choose a car seat that is extra-safe and comfortable. My eldest loves sleeping on his carseat during long car rides and I’m hoping my baby will be the same!

4. Portable Booster

We bring a portable booster with us when we go overseas. Perfect for taxi rides and long car rides whenever you take daytrips out of town.

5. Bottle Warmer + Sterilizer

For as long as our baby drinks milk, a bottle warmer is a must. And for as long as we’re using bottles, a sterilizer is a must.

I found one that’s 2-in-1 and I love it to pieces. Probably one of my favorite baby items. Perfect for traveling.

PS. You may be wondering: I intentionally did not include a baby playard anymore because I’ve learned to just ask from hotels. They usually provide one if you make a request. At least, that’s one thing off our list!

For more articles on traveling with kids, click here.