Sheena Loves Sunsets

Favorite Read-Aloud Board Books for Babies

Through the years, Luke has enjoyed countless of read-aloud board books and has outgrown most of them. Now, that Baby #2 is on the way, we thought it was the perfect time to revisit our collection!

I recently wrote a post entitled “Why I Decided to Curate Our Children’s Books,” and as I mentioned there, I’m now more particular about the kinds of books I let my kids read. (Eep, yes, I purged a lot of Luke’s books that I felt I no longer wanted to pass on to his baby brother!)

But of course, we have a lot of favorites as well. There are books that have been a part of our family rituals, stories that bring many fond memories and those that we simply consider special. I’d like to share with you all some of those books and maybe, they’ll be a part of your little one’s treasury too (if not yet!)

Note: All books mentioned are specifically board books only. Also, these are all books we read to Luke when he was a baby (before 1) til’ around 2, unless specifically mentioned.

God Bless You and Goodnight by Hannah Hall

“God Bless You and Good Night” is such a perfect bedtime book to read with your little one. It features different baby animals getting ready for bed and your own baby human (lol) will definitely relate.

This was part of our night time ritual for months! I’d read it to Luke as we changed into his pajamas. We read this so much that as he was learning to speak, he would actually finish the lines for me! “Let’s grab a…?” and he would say “…tsak!” (snack) Heehee. This remains one of my personal favorites and it might be one of those books I’ll have a hard time parting with once my boys have both outgrown them!

From Head to Toe by Eric Carle

If you’re looking for an interactive book you can do with your active baby, “From Head to Toe” is the one you’re looking for! It’s so much fun to read because it encourages your little one to do the actions. Yes, of course you have to do them too so they can see; there’s no escape!

This was a favorite when Luke was learning how to stand and take his first steps.

Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae

“Giraffes Can’t Dance” is a story about Gerald the Giraffe who wants to dance but finds that he gets wobbly. Animals laugh at him but in the end, he finds his own rhythm and realizes that anyone can dance if they find music that they love!

Luke loved this as a baby. When I reread it to him when he was already 2, he started crying at the part where Gerald gets bullied by the other animals so if you ask him now, he’ll say he doesn’t like the book. But trust me. He loved it so much as a baby. Probably more because of the rhyme and pictures. Haha.

I Prayed For You by Jean Fischer

“I Prayed for You” is a great reminder to our kids that we are praying for them constantly (and a great reminder for us parents not to forget, hehe!) Definitely a great bedtime book to read with your little ones.

This book talks about different stages of the little bear’s life; from being born, taking his first steps and even going to school. This is why even though Luke is now 3 and a half, I sometimes still try to read him this; I find that it’s still relatable for him even though he’s a little bigger now!

Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site by Sherri Duskey Rinker

“Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site” is a cute rhyming book about trucks going to bed after a long hard day. If you have kids that are very into cars and trucks, this is a sure hit. When Luke turned 2, he would ask for this every single night.

This is also by far the longest book Luke was ever able to memorize by heart! Too bad he’s forgotten already since we haven’t been reading it anymore.

Side note: We also have the next book by the same author which is “Steam Train Dream Train.” That one’s cute too but it just never became a favorite in our home.

My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss

“My Many Colored Days” is a book about colors and emotions; it’s 2 books in 1!

Did you see the author’s name? Yes, it’s the very same Dr. Seuss! However, take note: this book is a very un-Seuss-y book. It’s far from the Dr. Seuss books you’re probably familiar with; no made-up words and no silly rhymes. You be the judge if that’s a good or bad thing.

As for us, we enjoyed this book. I didn’t really buy any other color-themed or emotion-themed book for Luke anymore.

Thank You God by PK Hallinan

“Thank You God” is a cute rhyming book that teaches kids to acknowledge God for all that they have. It’s also a great way to teach them to count their blessings!

Pony Brushes His Teeth by Michael Dahl

“Pony Brushes His Teeth” is a simple book about a pony brushing his teeth, just like his dad!

I got this book when we first started to brush Luke’s teeth! He used to fidget a lot and didn’t want to brush his teeth but this book was helpful in getting him to love brushing. Like mentioned, it’s a super short and simple book but ends on a funny note (Spoiler: Pony accidentally spits water all over his dad!) Until now, when he sees this book, Luke will say “That’s a funny book!”

Flip Flap Fly by Phyllis Root

“Flip, Flap, Fly” is a book with a fun rhythm and super cute illustrations! You’ll get to see different animals and learn the different ways mommy animals help their little babies.

What I love about this book is how the next animal is partially shown on the previous page, which allows your kids to guess which animal is coming up next!

Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney

And lastly (but in no way the least) is this famous classic “Guess How Much I Love You.”  It’s about a big and little hare “competing” with each other to prove they love the other more!

Almost everybody recommends this sweet little book and I have to admit, at first, I didn’t understand why. When Luke was just a baby, he didn’t care much for it. But as he grew and understood the story more, he found the story amusing! So I’m recommending this book. Disclaimer: Parents may enjoy this book more than the kids. Get ready to tear up in the end too!

Do you guys have titles you recommend that weren’t mentioned in this list? What your own family’s personal favorite read-aloud board books? Share them in the comments below! Would love to hear your suggestions.

Check out more book reviews and recommendations here!