Sheena Loves Sunsets

Bye, Mom.

How do you even say goodbye to someone you’ve known your entire life? Someone you’ve shared everything with; secrets, stories, jokes, clothes…

To say that my mom and I were close is an understatement. She was the first one I would tell all my stories to; the one I could talk to about anything. She was my favorite shopping buddy; the one who would tell me if this outfit looks good or not.

My mom was an amazing woman and I know everyone who knew her would attest to that. But she was more than amazing to me. She was the sister I never had and my best friend since forever. She was beautiful, hip and glamorous but also kind, selfless and loving.

More than anything right now, I wish I could watch one more Downton Abbey episode with her or have one more shopping spree together. I wish I could hear her tell me one more time that I need to buy more shoes or to see her buy me another cute dress because she swears she’s seen the one I’m wearing millions of times already.

But I know that my mom is happier now where she is because a week before she passed, she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. I am just in awe and I guess all I can say is, God is indeed faithful all the time.

Sometimes I still wonder what it would be like if she had lived for a few more years. But I trust in God’s perfect timing. Passing away at only 50, I couldn’t help but feel that she deserved to live longer, but I dare not question God. I don’t understand it now, but I know someday, I’ll understand. My mom lived a wonderful, happy life. She enjoyed the world with a loving husband and her three children. But now she’s with the Lord in heaven, and I’m sure nothing here on earth can beat that.

I miss you mom, and I know I will miss you everyday. But I’m happy for you because I know you’re happier now; no more pain, no more chemo, and finally, you can eat anything!

I cannot wait to see you in heaven. I have so many stories to tell you and I know you have a lot of stories for me too.