Sheena Loves Sunsets

5 Fun and Easy Activities to do at Home with the Kids this Christmas

Looking for Christmas activities to do with the kids during the holidays but don’t have the time to prepare? I know 2020 has been hard enough (right?!) and I hear you!

So today I’m sharing with you 5 very easy ideas that are guaranteed help make this season a memorable one for the family without the hassle!

1. Christmas crafts in a box

There are a ton of easy Christmas craft ideas online but my favorite this year was getting pre-curated craft boxes!

If you’re a busy momma like me, these boxes will save you a ton of time. I don’t really have time to prepare everything from scratch so I appreciated having all the materials ready. All we had to do was put the pieces together!

2. Read Christmas books

I have a couple of Christmas books that I only whip out when it’s December and it’s always exciting to read them aloud as a family. You can turn this into a nice little tradition as well that the kids can look forward to when it’s Christmas.

3. Set up Christmas displays together

Whether you plan to set up a Christmas tree or not, let the kids help decorate your home to make it more festive.

We personally didn’t put up a Christmas tree this year but we decided to decorate our Lagundi tree in the backyard with solar Christmas lights and ornaments. It was definitely a memorable treat for all of us!

4. Pack goods and gifts to give out

Christmas can quickly become a time when the kids’ minds are filled with “me, me, me!” What with all the presents and great food they are sure to enjoy. So why don’t we add giving back to the list?

This Christmas, we are preparing simple bags to hand out to our garbage collectors, security guards, maintenance staff and more. And we let the kids help prepare the bags with us.

5. Let kids help for Noche Buena

Noche Buena (Christmas Eve dinner) is probably the highlight activity of this season. Allowing your kids to help prepare a dish or two will definitely be a memorable bonding activity!

My pick for this Christmas is making an easy spaghetti dish with my 5 year old, Luke! Sharing one of my latest discoveries, Purefoods Slow-cooked Spaghetti Sauce w/ the #1 TJ Hotdog! It already comes in a COMPLETE pre-made pack; that includes the sauce, meat, hotdogs and spices. It took us only 10 minutes to make and ta-da! Luke was happy he was able to “cook” and I was happy it was hassle-free! (This is available in leading supermarkets and online via San Miguel The Mall)