Sheena Loves Sunsets

How We Homeschool: Classical Education + Charlotte Mason

Homeschooling with a mix of Classical Education and the Charlotte Mason style works well for our family. I’ve been asked often what made me decide and how this looks like in our home. So let me share with you a little bit about that!

There’s so many things to be said on this topic. If you ask me out for a coffee date and make the mistake of asking about this (lol) I can talk to you for hours! But for the sake of your sanity, I will try my best to be as concise as possible in this article. If you want to ask more, just message in the comments below.

Or wait for future blog posts. I’m sure I won’t be able to resist. Ha! 😉 Let’s start!

Things I Love About the Classical Education Method

Things I Love About the Charlotte Mason Method

Some Differences between the two

For Further Reading

Like I said, we are just scratching the surface here. There is really so much more to be said! If you are interested in learning more, here are some of my suggestions:



* For more book recommendations, check out this article about my recommended books on homeschooling (which include these 3 titles.)