Sheena Loves Sunsets

First Aid Travel Kit for Kids

I always bring a First Aid Kit whenever we travel. Now that we’re starting to travel with Luke, I’ve created a separate kit for him as well. In this post, I’ll be sharing the contents of our first aid travel kit for kids, some tips and even mom hacks! 

Contents of Our First Aid Travel Kit for Kids

1. Cheat-Sheet!

Create a cheat sheet and include it in your kit. When something happens, it’s easy to blackout and forget what to do so it’s good to always have this handy.

2. Meds & Supplies for Fever

3. Meds & Supplies for Cough & Colds:

4. Meds & Supplies for Other Conditions:

5. Travel Humidifier

It’s not “part of the kit” literally because it doesn’t fit in my small first aid travel kit. Haha. But this Crane Travel Humidifier is definitely part of my must-bring list when traveling!

The Crane Travel Humidifier increases air moisture so you can breathe easier and sleep better. It’s perfect if you have the flu, allergies or generally just feeling dry (which may happen because of the cold hotel aircon or if you’re traveling to colder places)

It’s super light and really small, only around 8.5″ with the cup already. But if you really wanna pack light, you don’t even have to bring the cup; you can just use any cup available at the hotel!

Mom Tips and Hacks

1. Bring a small bottle of Virgin Coconut Oil

Ever since I found out about the many uses of Virgin Coconut Oil, I now transfer mine in a small bottle and include it Luke’s first aid kit. I particularly love this cold pressed Virgin Coconut Oil from Naturali, which can be used as skin moisturizer, sunburn remedy and even helps heal canker sores (“singaw”).

If you google the different ways you can use VCO, you’ll be surprised at just how multi-purpose this product is. It’s like my all-in-one solution in a bottle!

2. Use Profreeze Ice Packs

An ice pack will come in handy for fevers, bumps and bruises. I highly recommend these Profreeze ice packs because:

  1. They come flat: When you open a new box, they come in flat, which is perfect for stuffing it in your luggage. When you arrive at your destination, you can just puff it up by hydrating it (instructions come on the pack)
  2. You can cut them up to any size you want: Here in the photo I cut them up to 4 squares to make a medium sized square. You can cut it up to make a vertical patch, a smaller patch, etc. Up to you and depending on how you wanna use it!

3. Include a pack of malunggay capsules

If you’re breastfeeding, you already know that these Mega Malunggay capsules are gold! They increase your milk supply naturally!  But there’s another use for these capsules:

You know how it’s so hard to get kids to eat healthy when traveling? Well, you can open a capsule up, sprinkle malunggay on their food and voila! Haha! #MomHack

Malunggay contains more vitamin C than oranges, 3x the amount of iron in spinach, and 4x the calcium amount in milk. If they don’t wanna eat their veggies, this is the perfect solution!

4. Bring kiddie band-aids!

I know Luke loves picking the band-aids when they don’t have designs. But he does his very best to keep them on when he likes it. Last time, he didn’t even want to take a bath for fear of ruining R2D2. Haha!

If you feel like I’m missing a couple of items, maybe I already included that in our grown-up version of our First-Aid Travel Kit. But if it’s also not there, I’d love it if you can let me know what I lack by leaving a comment below!