Sheena Loves Sunsets

Little Adventurer: Coming Soon!

Yes, we are expecting a little one to join us this year, by the grace of God! And as you can see, no one is more thrilled than this boy!

If you follow me on my Instagram or Facebook, this will come as a late announcement. Sorry! But here it is anyway and some quick updates about this pregnancy and life recently!

I’m on indefinite bed rest. Huhu.

I am unfortunately suffering from internal bleeding (thankfully, not external!) and was advised to be on bed rest. This means, no work, no leaving the house or even going down the stairs, no stressful activities (bed rest is stressful though? haha) and saddest of all, NO TRIPS. Huuuu.

So I’ve been stuck at home for a month now. My amazing husband has been taking care of everything else (as in, dealing with household matters, going to the grocery, taking care of Luke, buying what I need and to think, he’s doing this all on top of his work!) Applause, please!

I’m also so grateful for my parents-in-law who take Luke out every now and then so he doesn’t get bored (he’s already saying I’m pretty boring haha!) and to my brothers who visit once in a while and who I can count on whenever I need an extra pair of eyes and hands when Mor just really has to go to work already. Hee.

Also so grateful for friends who have helped out in different ways, either by spending time with Luke or tolerating my rants on Viber (thanks Angeli and Milka especially for that haha!) If anybody wants to take Luke out on a date, please just let me know! :p

It seriously takes a village to raise a child!

I’m nauseous most of the time

People have been saying I must have loads of time now to do things I enjoy like read books or work on more blog entries but, oh boy, how I wish! If only I didn’t feel so nauseous every hour! I can barely do anything that requires thinking (which is obvious from the fact that I’ve had no new blog entries for weeks now. EEP.) and this blog entry in itself is a miracle.

The truth is, all I’ve been doing is watching Netflix.

Which isn’t bad at all because I’ve been learning so much. Even my husband is impressed! Haha.

So far, I’ve learned about the many faces of American Politics (from documentaries like “Bobby Kennedy for President,” “The Final Year,” which was about Obama and even “Trump: An American Dream” lol,) important moments in Spanish History (not to mention Spanish catchphrases after I finished all seasons of “El Ministerio del Tiempo” which is awesome btw,) a few things about American History (thanks to “Timeless,”) some stuff about British castles and The British Monarchy and I’ve also seen a few science-related ones (like from the episode “Tesla vs Edison” of “Genius”) I’m excited to watch Mercury 13 next.

At least, I’m trying to get some education while I’m temporarily an unproductive citizen. Haha.

I’m also borderline gestational diabetic

Okay, so as if bed rest (which comes with reflux by the way, from too much lying down) and nausea isn’t enough, I also recently found out that I was borderline gestational diabetic. And to think I don’t even really like sweets! But the doctor said it was because of all the carbs I’ve been eating and I can’t dispute that. I loooove my bread and pasta! And now they are gone. HUUUUU. *Crying a river*

So now I have no idea what to eat. I would really like some sugar-free popsicles now just to make me feel less nauseous but the endocrinologist said, nu-uh sister. *sigh* Can anybody send me some low carb, sugar-free bread please (that’s not sprinkled with aspartame, as per the doctor?)



When you are suffering or feeling bad and people keep saying “You should stop complaining, some people have it worse!” it doesn’t really make you feel better even though it’s true, right? I used to think that I can win this battle of self-pity by thinking of all the positive things but it’s not always easy to do especially when you feel really defeated.

Thankfully, Christ is enough and this is what I try to remind myself daily.

I know in my head I am blessed beyond measure and that of course this pregnancy is such a blessing but the truth is, I don’t always feel happy, I don’t always feel strong and I most definitely don’t always feel positive 24/7 and I guess that’s okay. I’m learning to take it one step at a time (my husband’s motto lately haha) and to just lean on God for every small and big thing.

Prayers Requested

Thank you to all of you guys who have been praying for us and sending encouragement. If you could spare me a prayer, please pray for these:

Thank you again so much and if you’ve made it this far, thank you for coming alongside us on this journey.