Sheena Loves Sunsets

Swimming in the Dead Sea (Israel)

You’ll float like you’ve never floated before! Because the Dead Sea’s salt content is high, it makes floating so much easier than in regular water. Loads of fun, but make sure you have no open wounds; they would hurt like crazy! (Learn more about the Dead Sea at Wikipedia if you wish, you geeks!)

Also, yes, Dead Sea mud is apparently good for the skin! Hence, the numerous Dead Sea skin products currently available on the market. But here, the mud is free! Yay! So we all had a great time trying to put mud on each other (and of course, taking lots of photos!)

After it dried, we washed it off and our skins really did feel super smooth. It was awesome. (Tip: Make sure you don’t get any mud or even water in your mouth!)

The Dead Sea is “dead” (as in, no animals or plants could flourish) because it doesn’t have an outlet. It keeps on receiving but it does not give at all. Maybe now we can finally have a good picture on what the saying “It is more blessed to give than to receive” really means (Acts 20:35)

Something to think about, eh?