Sheena Loves Sunsets

DIY Craft: Handmade Ornaments for Mother’s Day

I love a good craft, but I’m never game for anything that’s too complicated to make (let’s be real!) Which is why, I was so happy to come across this easy craft perfect for Mother’s Day!

Using just baking soda, cornstarch and paint, we made adorable heart ornaments to give to the kids’ beloved grandma. Wanna make your own? Read on!


Ingredients & Supplies Needed:

All the items needed for this craft are items I’m pretty sure you already have at home!




Part 1: Creating the dough

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a pot and heat it at medium heat. Keep stirring the mixture until it thickens and looks like mashed potatoes.
  2. Let the mixture cool in a glass bowl. Be patient (my mistake at the start!)
  3. Shape the cooled dough using cookie cutters.
    • You can put parchment paper or a baking sheet on top of a tray so it’s easy to take out.
    • If it feels too sticky, add more baking soda.
    • Don’t forget to poke a hole if it will be used as an ornament.
  4. Leave it to dry OR bake it in an oven.
    • I decided to let it bake in our oven toaster for around 5-10 minutes or until the top hardens.
    • Then flip it to let the other side harden as well.
    • Time will vary depending on the temperature and thickness of your ornaments.

Part 2: Decorating

When it’s hard and dry, it’s time to paint! We used washable poster paint mixed with a bit of tempera paint because these are the only ones we had at home. But I’m sure you can use other kinds of paints too! 😉

You can add other decorations as well like glitters or small stickers.

When the paint is dry, you can add in your string. You can make a necklace, bracelet or an ornament!

Here are the kids with their finished work! They’re excited to give it to grandma for Mother’s Day!