Sheena Loves Sunsets

Luke’s 2nd Year Photobook

Last year, I was able to make a follow-up book to Luke’s 1st Year Photobook but realized that I wasn’t able to share it here on my blog yet. So while I have time to work on some entries (because I’m still on “bed rest”) here’s his “Part Two” book, which is an album that contains memories from when he turned 1, all the way to his 2nd birthday!

I’m also answering some FAQs from you guys about the photobooks. You can check it out below!

Throwback to Luke’s 1st Year Photobook

In case you haven’t seen it yet, you might wanna check out Luke’s 1st Year Photobook. It covers everything from the pregnancy, his birth all the way up to his first birthday!

Differences Between His 1st and 2nd Photobooks

Both books are printed on Hardcover and are both 8×8″ in size.

Because his 1st Year Photobook was the very first I made, I was of course, also a lot more enthusiastic about everything. Haha! So his 1st Book is definitely thicker and contains more “special pages” (see the whole post to know what I mean!)

It’s ironic because he actually has more adventures during his second year. His first book was mostly just photos of him at home, lol. But you see, more adventures also mean that I’m  a LOT busier so, that’s why it was reduced to this size. Haha!

What’s Inside Luke’s 2nd Year Photobook

I chose a new color scheme for this book: Blue, Yellow and Orange. And also changed the fonts I used. I decided I didn’t want a uniform theme for all his books, but would stick to basically the same layout style so it doesn’t look too messy.

Just like his 1st Book, it’s still arranged by month and I still kept track of his progress and milestones monthly. This will be the last time though, because I wasn’t as diligent anymore after he turned 2. Haha.

The other pages focused more on activities we did and trips we took together. Like this one! More photos below.

FAQ #1: How do you make the layouts? Is that a template?

All photos are edited using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom.

I make all the design work (that includes backgrounds, titles, etc.) using Adobe Photoshop. Then I transfer it all as image files on the photobook desktop program that the photobook printer provided. Then, I arrange all the photos on the program itself.

FAQ #2: Will you be doing this every year? For how long?

With Baby #2 coming, I don’t think I’ll have time to make 2 books a year anymore! Might stop at Book 3 for Luke and will do the same for Baby #2 (to be fair and assure them there are no favorites haha) Then, I think I’ll just do a joint book for them or maybe a family album to document each year so I don’t have to make 2 separate books (or even more, in case we decide to have more kids in the future haha)

But nothing’s set in stone, so we’ll see! You never know, I might magically have more time (ha!)

FAQ #3: Can you make one for me/my baby?

I used to do this as a service before Luke was born but sadly, I really have to choose the work I take on very carfeully. So the short answer is, sorry, I don’t do it anymore.

If you’re looking for just the templates though, I can do custom template designs but it really depends on the weight of the project, your requirements and my current workload. Hit me up at for inquiries and we can discuss!

Final Tips for Making Your Own Photobook:

I’ve already mentioned a set of tips on Luke’s 1st Year Photobook. But here are additional ones I learned along the way.

Do you make photobooks, scrapbooks or albums for your kids? How do you preserve all those memories? Share your own tips at the comments section below!